
Showing posts from October, 2022

Adobe Illustrator session - 28/10/2022

Adobe illustrator session Daisy Jackson / 28/10/2022 In today's session, we learned more about Adobe Illustrator and how to communicate ideas through different techniques. I learned a lot about the software and how to use it - as well as focusing more on presentation and using the software in it's entirety. Here are the results of today's session:

Creating a series of designs - 28/10/2022

Creating a series of designs Daisy Jackson / 28/10/2022 This week I set myself the ongoing task of creating designs and bringing my ideas to life.  I will more than likely spend next week (or half of next week) doing the same thing as I want the perfect designs to communicate Warhorse the story in my own way. Here are my designs: I really love this design as it communicates Warhorse in a unique way. It is a fun midpoint design where it references Warhorse but can also just be a general shirt for people to wear and enjoy. From my survey I noticed that a large amount of individuals were not familiar with the story or Warhorse at all, so creating a mid-way shirt would be great to generate sales but also reference Warhorse. The second image was a try out for a different design for the deck chair. I decided to go with the top one as this made the design less complicated and not too overcrowded. Perhaps a development point I could create for this design would be adding money floating around

Idea generation and thumbnails for designs - 26/10/2022

Idea generation and thumbnails for designs Daisy Jackson / 26/10/2022 This week I really wanted to set asside time to create designs for my project. This way I would have weeks to go through trial and error of creating the final products. As well as this, I can design packaging and posters to assist this while knowing that the design process is out of the way.  To begin idea generation, I decided to write a few ideas that I would then develop into thumbnails. Here are my design ideas: I do love a lot of these ideas and have already began to envision what they would look like in my head. I really love the idea of focusing on the relationship between Joey and Topthorn while also just focusing on Joey.  An idea that I haven't wrote down but thought about after was creating a design based on the fact Joey was sold for £40. This delivers an important aspect of the story - horse auctioning and how much Joey was sold for. I love the spin off of 'Peter the horse is here' which is a

Adding a logo to my T-shirt - 23/10/2022

Adding a logo to my T-shirt Daisy Jackson / 23/10/2022 After creating the sample T-shirts, I decided to try out logo placement. Before actually adding the logo however, I tried out several ideas on logo placement through sketching out small thumbnails. Here are my thumbnails: I love all of these ideas for different reasons. My favourites though probably have to be the large version of the logo on the back or the smaller one at the top at the back. I find the ones on the sleeves to be interesting if done correctly. However, there can be a lot of complications. When having the logo largely on the back of the shirt, at least it is a large enough promo to be seen by others. After this, I decided on having a huge logo on the back of the T-shirt as I thought this would be interesting due to having a design on the front and a design on the back (logo). Here is my finished logo placement: I am very happy with the positioning of this as it is quite central (something I struggled on previously).

Creating my first Warhorse inspired T-shirt - 23/10/2022

Creating my first Warhorse inspired T-shirt Daisy Jackson - 23/10/2022 Today I went to Primark to buy some cheap T-shirts to try out my designs on with the Cricut machine. Finding a suitable T-shirt has proven to be the hardest part of this process. I am very happy to say that today's printing session was a success! I will note though - I will NOT be using Primark T-shirts for my final project. Instead, I will bulk buy them online or in a store. I only bought shirts from Primark as I wanted to know if my process worked - plus the T-shirts were quite cheap. Here is my finished T-shirt: Unfortunately, the eyebag did full off one of the eyes but this is something I will avoid for the future. I am very happy with the results as the vinyl clung nicely onto the T-shirt with no problems! I am unsure if this will be an actual seperate design that I will make and sell but I wanted to make my first Warhorse themed T-shirt. Another area of focus will be lowering the design so it is not so hig

Looking at how TV shows portray horses - 23/10/2022

Looking at how TV shows portray horses Daisy Jackson / 23/10/2022 To generate ideas on the creation of my Joey and Topthorn characters, I decided to look at TV shows to see their own portrayal on horses. Bojack Horseman: I really love how the TV show Bojack Horseman captures the essence of a horse. Through the tiny details it speaks a lot. I can already tell by the way the art is presented that Bojack has gone through a lot. In most imagery I saw as well as in the TV show he appears as sad and miserable. Not saying Joey is like this but he has definitely gone through a lot which is something I want to present in my own work. The Simpsons: The Simpsons has quite a lot of different representations of horses. I feel like this depends on how they want the horse to come across - personality wise. Some of the horses come across 'dumb' in a sense while others capture what horses truly represent - confidence and independence etc. They appear quite majestic and even angry in a sense - a

Creating a character sheet - rough ideas - 23/10/2022

Creating a character sheet - rough ideas Daisy Jackson / 23/10/2022 After looking at how TV shows etc portray horses, it gave me enough inspiration to start creating my own versions and bring Joey and Topthorn to life.  Here is my character sheet: For this character sheet, I rated all the designs from 1-6 in order of my most liked to least liked. 1 - This is definitely my favourite and will be the chosen portrayal of Joey as it appears strong and fearless. The character looks as though they have gone through a lot which I think perfectly represents Joey. He has grown throughout the book and became better. 2 - This is my second favourite as it is more my style. I am unsure if I will use this for Joey as it appears quite dopey which I do not want for a representation. 3 - Once again, this is quite accurate for my own style. However, the same reasoning as my second favourite as to why I may refrain from choosing this. 4 - Despite this being ranked fourth, I do love it a lot. I think it