Adding a logo to my T-shirt - 23/10/2022

Adding a logo to my T-shirt

Daisy Jackson / 23/10/2022

After creating the sample T-shirts, I decided to try out logo placement. Before actually adding the logo however, I tried out several ideas on logo placement through sketching out small thumbnails.

Here are my thumbnails:

I love all of these ideas for different reasons. My favourites though probably have to be the large version of the logo on the back or the smaller one at the top at the back. I find the ones on the sleeves to be interesting if done correctly. However, there can be a lot of complications. When having the logo largely on the back of the shirt, at least it is a large enough promo to be seen by others.

After this, I decided on having a huge logo on the back of the T-shirt as I thought this would be interesting due to having a design on the front and a design on the back (logo).

Here is my finished logo placement:

I am very happy with the positioning of this as it is quite central (something I struggled on previously). It is a striking logo and fits perfectly. Due to it being on the back it is not too in your face. I guess the downside of this logo would be long hair would cover it, however, if someone asked about the T-shirt and who made it, the person wearing it could easily just show them the back of the T-shirt. A plus side of having the logo here would be if not covered, it is a walking promo that is big enough to see by many.

My next plan of action?

I will begin to bring the characters to life. Since I have cracked down on the T-shirt making techniques, all I have to do now is create the designs which will go on them. This will be my task for this upcoming week - to create interesting design ideas.


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