
Reflecting on the winter fair - 12/12/2022

Reflecting on the winter fair Daisy Jackson / 12/12/2022 Reflecting upon the Winter fair, I would say it went better than expected. At the end of the day I did make sales which was nice as well as the interactions I had with customers/people. Everyone was extremely friendly and I did not feel nervous. I think the layout of my stall went really well and everything was nicely organised. I was really happy with how it all turned out. I think if I was to make improvements for next time or if I could go back in time and change things I would definitely reduce the amount of stock I made as I lost out on a lot of profit. I know this is not the point but it would be nice to break even or make more than I spent. However, the experience of it was really great and definitely insightful. I have never done anything like this before so it was really fun and interesting.  I think I did a great job promoting myself and my brand so I am happy with that. Overall, I think my approach to this module has b

Modifying T-shirt packaging - 5/12/2022

Modifying T-shirt packaging Daisy Jackson / 5/12/2022 After reflecting on the ironing process when packaging, I felt like it would be a good idea to include a little note that would be inserted into the packaging. I created a note and will print this off. Here is the note: 6/12/2022 Update: Adding labels to T-shirt packaging.

Creating the table layout for the fair - 5/12/2022

Creating the table layout for the fair Daisy Jackson / 5/12/2022 To finish preparation for the fair, I decided to create a rough plan featuring my half of the table as well as Izzy's. I sent this sketch over to Izzy so we have a rough idea of what we are both doing and can discuss any alterations perhaps. Here is my plan: I am very happy with this plan as it has enough 3D elements where everything won't be flat and instead will be quite striking and eye catching. As well as this, I will also be promoting my brand and the 'Priceless' range by wearing the product. I will be giving freebies out such as business cards and chocolate/sweets. I will keep most of the T-shirts under the table so the table is not too crowded. As well as this, I will select one of my T-shirts of the 'Priceless' range that did not go to plan (was not central) as place card inside, then placing it on a stand so customers can see the product up close.  Here is the updated sketch with Izzy'

Creating my business cards - 5/12/2022

Creating my business cards Daisy Jackson / 5/12/2022 Today I also created my business cards. I have made roughly 35 and these will sit in a container on the table as a 'freeby'. This way, even if some customers are not interested in my product, they still may be interested in my work/future work and want to know more. I decided to promote my Instagram as this is the social media I more commonly used and also has links to my other social medias including my website. Here are the results: This followed the same process as my posters as I printed out the design and stuck it onto card. I am very happy with these as they follow the colour scheme that my 'Priceless' range follows as well as the other products. It is straight to the point and promotes my brand. 

Creating labels for my table at the fair - 5/12/2022

Creating labels for my table at the fair Daisy Jackson / 5/12/2022 Today I created labels for my table at the fair. These labels would help promote my brand as well as informing customers on pricing etc. Here is my process and results: The process for the labels/posters involved printing out the designs and then sticking them onto card. These were then cut out and then manipulated to fit a pop up card type appearance or a poster that will lay against something/be stuck to the table. This will also help inform my plan for the table that I will discuss with Izzy.  I am very happy with the turnout as it appears very professional and is straight to the point. As well as this, it also promotes my brand at first glance. 6/12/2022 Update: Creating more signs  

Packaging all of my cards and prints - 5/12/2022

Packaging all of my cards and prints Daisy Jackson / 5/12/2022 Today I packaged all of my cards and prints! I packaged these in plastic packaging which are made especially for cards. This added a professional appearance. Here are the results: I am very happy with how these turned out! My idea for the fair is to have a container where these will be placed - this way customers can flick through the cards and decide which ones they want to purchase. This also protects the products from any damage such as water damage caused by rain.

Packaging all of my T-shirts - 5/12/2022

Packaging all of my T-shirts Daisy Jackson / 5/12/2022 A few days ago I decided it was finally time to package my T-shirts. I was originally going to stick my labels onto card, cut this out and add it to the packaging. However, I felt like this was going to be too much work for me as I am currently ill and do not want to run myself down even more. I decided to just use plain printer paper instead. I then folded this design at the bottom to make sure it wouldn't move around as much in the packaging. The packaging I have is degradable plastic which at first when purchasing, I did not realise this! I just thought it was normal plastic packaging. This is great as it fits in well with the whole theme of sustainability. The process consisted of cutting out the labels, my friend ironing every single T-shirt and then placing the shirt and label into the plastic packaging. Here is the process and results: Sadly, some designs were ruined during the ironing process: These were definitely not