Reflecting on the winter fair - 12/12/2022

Reflecting on the winter fair

Daisy Jackson / 12/12/2022

Reflecting upon the Winter fair, I would say it went better than expected. At the end of the day I did make sales which was nice as well as the interactions I had with customers/people. Everyone was extremely friendly and I did not feel nervous. I think the layout of my stall went really well and everything was nicely organised. I was really happy with how it all turned out.

I think if I was to make improvements for next time or if I could go back in time and change things I would definitely reduce the amount of stock I made as I lost out on a lot of profit. I know this is not the point but it would be nice to break even or make more than I spent. However, the experience of it was really great and definitely insightful. I have never done anything like this before so it was really fun and interesting. 

I think I did a great job promoting myself and my brand so I am happy with that.

Overall, I think my approach to this module has been really great. Despite being run down and ill in the process, I am very happy with what I have done. I want to keep this consistency towards everything I do. 

Here are images of my stall at the Winter fair:

My Dad also promoted my T-shirts:


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